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Hi! We're PedSIG

If you’re excited about working with kids (and have a healthy love of all things Disney), you've come to the right place! 
Keck PedSIG is aimed at helping medical students find pediatric volunteering and shadowing opportunities on campus and in the community.

Home: About

Save the Date!

Sep. 20 Lunch Talk w/Dr. Yacoob 

Oct. 10 CHLA Banquet

Nov. 27 Pediatric Specialty Panel

Jan. 8 Resident Panel

Feb. 20 LAC + USC Banquet


Keep scrolling to explore what's going on @ Keck, LAC + USC, CHLA, and in the community or click on the tabs up top!

Home: Events

@ K E C K

@ L A C + U S C


@ C H L A

in  the  C O M M U N I T Y !


curious questions? loving comments? shoot us an email.

Making Funny Face

We want your input!

Heard about a cool community service opportunity?

Have an awesome original community outreach idea?

Want to collaborate with another SIG?


Let us know!!

Thanks for submitting!

Home: Contact
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